Development - SAS

Professional SAS Services


End User Software IT Consulting Private Limited has been providing SAS Services, End User helps companies maximize the value of their SAS investments. We recommend them to the correct SAS solutions by leveraging a combination of SAS and cloud technologies and complementary databases and providing SAS application management services. We specialize in the evolution of the SAS platform in the cloud to achieve revolutionary performance and reduce costs.

Accelerate the journey of modernization of Analytics

Our offer covers the full range of services to perform the SAS on Cloud migration journey for your company and offer all the advantages of modern analysis platform features.

SAS on cloud modernization and optimization

We bring our deep capabilities in designing and building the environment / the new operating model, discovering the opportunities for modernization and optimization offered by SAS applications to cloud-native and container-based architectures and refactoring the SAS code to optimize performance on the new platform .

SAS on Cloud Modernization strategy and Roadmap Advisory

We help you identify your current position with our modernization assessment tools, the vision of your company and the value you are trying to achieve by migrating SAS to native cloud technologies, so we create a roadmap to reach you.

SAS on cloud-managed services

End User Software IT Consulting Private Limited {A} 3 is a turnkey managed service that allows analysis organizations to quickly obtain Big Data and Analytics innovations in a simple and inexpensive way. This service is available on all major public cloud providers (AWS, GCP, Azure).

Software Development

Out Sourcing


Our Process

Software Development

We offer a broad range of complete, consolidated products and services creating powerful business.

Web Development

Unique delivery systems are a combination of customized, need-based onshore and offshore models.


Search process at is a very process oriented task. We first develop a description of the position required.


Technology innovation is driving rapid changes in the embedded software,built to increasingly small hardware.


We help customers envision and shape their growth around the key drivers of Technology, Productivity and Cost-Effectiveness

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